
Smashing Time

"More tea?" said The Mad Hatter to Alice.
"How can I have more, when I haven't had any?" she replied.
Alice In Wonderland' (2010) movie merchandising is upscale with this US$1100- geegaw of teacups and smashed saucers. I covet this, mindlessly.
It's not The Mad** Hatter's Tea Party till I get there.
**19thC Milliners went mad from constantly inhaling the fumes of glue used to stiffen bonnets and brims.
CLICK on Rene Trilivas for more pretty pics and details.


strike up the band

I love this jacket, and wish I could recall the title of the recent French movie whose main character wore it really well. Others liked it too, as it sold out immediately on release, at US$11,000 (oh yes and worth every penny for the embroidery hours). The Bruno Frisoni shoe -
I have not settled on what dress I would wear between the jacket and the shoes, but am reminded of this from my idol - "Joan Rivers, said once when she saw a celebrity wearing a terrible dress allegedly chosen by her boyfriend -
"Well, at least you can say that her boyfriend is straight."
Do visit the very droll Hadley Freeman's writings in The Guardian. She has opinions I share, especially when she says that Joan Rivers is "this column's life icon".